Canyon Creek Xeriscaping Guidelines

Canyon Creek Xeriscaping Guidelines:

Many folks within Canyon Creek are considering transitioning from high water requirement lawns to drought tolerant landscapes.  Below is a quick synopsis of our guidelines for Canyon Creek homeowners.  Please remember to submit an Architectural Review Form before commencing any projects.  An HOA resolution was adopted in 2014 to guide homeowners about xeriscaping in our neighborhood.

Xeriscaping refers to a method of landscape design that minimizes water use. Use plants whose natural requirements are appropriate to the local climate.  (see the list below)


  • 70% or more plant cover at maturity; 70% evergreen plants.  (less than 70% causes “heat island effect”)

  • Use weed barrier under gravel/rocks (hardscape)

  • No decomposed granite or other very small (under 3/4") gravel within 2 feet of the street, driveway, walkway, etc.

  • No artificial turf.  During the hot summer months, the surface temperature of the turf can reach 165°

  • Maintain!  Regularly pull weeds, re-mulch, trim plants, refresh rocks, etc.


  • Plan on over-planting in the beginning.  It’s easier to remove what doesn’t work or survive, than it is to put in more plants once the weed barrier and hardscape is in place.

  • Consider using an Olla – a watering option

  • Convert to drip irrigation and cap current irrigation

  • Avoid large areas with no plants

  • Vary the size and color of the rocks for visual interest

  • Plant trees for shade

  • Aggressively keep weeds out - pull them, dig them, kill them, but don't let them detract from the beauty of your new landscape

Link to the official Canyon Creek Xeriscaping Policy:

Link to the Canyon Creek Architectural Review Form:

Evergreen shrubs with low water requirements:

Glossy abelia
Bush germander
Burford holly
Dwarf Chinese holly
Dwarf yaupon holly
Primrose yasmine
Prickly pear
Texas sage (cenizo)
Texas sotol
Pale leaf yucca
Red yucca
Twistleaf yucca

Evergreen perennials, low water requirements:

Cast iron plant (shade
Blackfoot daisy
Bearded iris
Bicolor iris
Mexican oregano
Rock penstemon
Pink skullcap
Cherry sage
Jerusalem sage

Evergreen ornamental grasses, low water requirement:

Basket grass

Evergreen groundcover low water requirement:

Aztecgrass (shade)
Creeping germander
Purple heart
Trailing rosemary
Berkeley sedge
Texsa sedge

Evergreen vine, low water requirement:
